Trust Fund brings to life the story of Reese (Jessica Rothe) a young aspiring writer. Living a life everyone wishes they had, until a huge secret reveals her father’s been hiding the truth. Reese does the unthinkable, betraying her father and chasing after a life she dreams is better than the one she already has. When she returns home with nothing but regret, her father's forgiveness teaches her what love really means.
SANDRA MARTIN – Writer / Director / Producer
Sandra has authored three books and award winning short films. She just finished post production on her most recent feature film “How to Pick Your Second Husband First" a romantic comedy set in Boston. She has experience in the fields of film production, film editing, post-production, and marketing. Sandra and Isaac have been working together for over fifteen years.
ISAAC ALONGI - Cinematographer / Producer
With over 20 years of experience, Isaac brings his artistic talent and creativity to all aspects of production. Isaac’s cinematography has been seen in feature films, television shows, documentaries, IMAX films, commercials and numerous non-profit projects. With clients such as National Geographic, BBC, History Channel, Fox Sports, Discovery, ABC and the CW NETWORK. He has won two Emmys for his work on a series of historical films.